Cynthia Reschke
SUNDAY 7th january
09:30 - 12:30
In this workshop we will focus on aligning all of our energetic centres and get a brief understanding of their meaning on both the physical & emotional levels. Ultimately we'll arrive at the heart centre, the home of love and compassion.
Passion and compassion are two sides of the same coin, as they are for the true self. If we can fully live in our heart centre things can flow effortlessly - we are able to act through our heart, listen with our heart, speak with our heart… If we are passionately in love with ourselves we can truly love anybody.
Join us on this journey to the root of our passion and compassion, where we fill find our true selves. The ego mind lives in a complex world of worries & questions. Yet within the heart lies many of the simplest answers. By learning to silence the mind, we can hear the timeless wisdom of our true nature... we 'just' need to practice, practice & practice some more !
Therefore we will move our bodies, enjoy powerful pranayama breathing exercises, and wonderful meditations to manifest this self love and share it with the world.
Born on 14th of June 1976 in Sindelfingen, Germany
My first yoga class was love at first sight - something has happened and was the beginning of this exciting journey. Having practiced many different styles of yoga for the past 15 years, one day I decided to go deeper and started a 500hour Teacher Training, certified by the European Yoga Alliance. Initially I just did is for myself, as personal development, because I felt it was good for me. The way our teachers transmitted this great wisdom has resonated a lot within me and inspired me to retransmit and share this amazing practice.
It’s becoming part of my daily life, whether it’s staying calm when my kids challenge me, standing properly on both feet waiting at the bus stop or focusing better at work. Apart of the fact that my life has changed very positively the countless benefits are scientifically proven nowadays. I have the strong desire to make it available to as many people as possible.
I was born and raised in Germany, lived in Barcelona for a third of my life and now here in Switzerland for the past 4 years. I have a Bachelor of Arts and Communications and amongst others I have worked in book editorial and as audiovisual producer. Together with my husband we are parents of two magnificent sons, our greatest teachers of all.
Looking forward to practice with you soon !
"The highest status which a man can enjoy in a human life of rich fulfilment is self-compassion" - Yogi Bhajany
CHF 70.- pour les non-membres (toutes personnes n'ayant pas le passe "Accès et Durée Illimité"
Ce workshop est disponible à la vente avec les passes standards du site web.
CHF 50.- pour les membres en possession de le passe "Accès et Durée Illimités"
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