The art of living yoga



Workshop In English and French

on Sunday 6 january

09:30 - 12:30

Lotus yoga pose portrait Nico Luce



Everything in this wonderful universe is subject to the laws of expansion and contraction, growth and dissolution, birth and death. We cannot choose one over the other. Yoga philosophy teaches us to embrace this journey with everything it has to offer.


This vinyasa workshop is dedicated to celebrating the pulsation of Prana within us. Let's go deep under the surface to unveil this powerful truth and feel radiantly alive while moving between hip openers, spinal twists and some fun arm-balancing poses.


Prepare to be challenged, Prana is wild when unleashed!



Nicol Luce famous one arm handstand on beach







Closeup portrait Nico Luce


Nico Luce has been teaching yoga since 2003 and has trained in various lineages such as Power Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Anusara, Yin and Pilates.


He is also a devoted student of philosophy and spirituality which he weaves into the physical practice to create a profound transformational experience. Bringing meaning to the practice and attention to refined bio-mechanics are at the heart of his teachings.


Nico and his family live in Switzerland from where he travels internationally teaching workshops, retreats and Teacher Trainings and regularly produce instructional videos for GAIA.


For more information on Nice please visit his website: www.nicoluce.com



Nicol luce balancing half moon pose on beach at sunset



Workshops offer more time than a class to share the wonderful path of yoga and the possibility to work on specific issues .

A Great opportunity to play and learn tools that you can bring back in your daily life .






•  CHF 70.- for Non-Members. 

i.e. those without one of the monthly memberships: Grace, Liberté or Confort 

You can purchase this pass by clicking this link:


•  CHF 60.- for Members

All members will have received an e-mail with the link to purchase the workshop at the reduced rate.

N.B. This reduced pass is not available on the website. All NEW Members please contact us for the link.


Nico Luce Eka Pada Koundinyasana arm balance in town