Building The Practice From The Ground Up! 


Nathalie Ekblom

Sunday 1st April

09:30 - 12:30


drawing of rocket using geometric circles


- Introducing Nat - a.k.a. TheBlueYogi

- History of The Rocket® - The lineage of the practice - What is Rocket®? 

- Foundations - Breath, Bandhas, Drishti and finding your flow with sun salutations

- Alignment in standing poses with transitions and effective modifications

- Vinyasas between seated poses, how to keep the inner fire when things start to slow down

- Breaking down Bakasana and building blocks to supported headstand

- Drawing it all together into a one hour Rocket® practice

Closing with time for questions! 

Nathalie Emch workshop host assisting practitioner in yoga class

In this workshop, Nat will be guiding you through the Rocket® sequences focusing on the foundations of the practice and building it up slowly but surely to the fiery yoga that it is.

With the roots of the practice planted in the Ashtanga yoga method you will dive deeply into the three keys that turn it from exercise to yoga; breath, bandhas (energy locks) and drishti (eye gaze, focus) and linking these tools to sun salutations A and B to feel the benefits right from the beginning.

You will then be guided through the Rocket standing sequence with alignment and easy and effective modifications to suit your needs! There is space between some standing poses to throw in balances so be ready to learn how to use your breath and bandhas to float smoothly from two legs to one and back again!

As with any balanced yoga sequence there are seated poses following the standing poses, this is a time when we can easily start to slow down and lose that inner fire so here you will learn easier as well as more challenging techniques of transitioning between seated poses to make sure that fire keeps going!

Finally to add the cherry on the cake you will learn how to build up to Bakasana (crow pose) and supported headstand with step by step tools to strengthen and find the correct awareness and activation in the body to make these poses more accessible and maybe even easy!

To bring it all together you will be guided through a three hour practice to put all the tools to work and get a test run on the Rocket® ship! 

The workshop is open to ALL levels and all levels are wholeheartedly welcome!


yoga pose portrait Nathalie Emch workshop host seated in lotus

I was born in New York City and raised in a Finnish family between Helsinki, London and Geneva.  I am an Ashtanga Vinyasa and The Rocket® Yoga instructor. I am qualified to teach both the traditional Primary series of Ashtanga as well as a modified, modernised and westernised version of the Ashtanga series, referred to as The Rocket®, suitable to students of all levels.

I have wholeheartedly adopted the It’s Yoga mission to “share the love of the practice”. Upon graduation from It’s Yoga Helsinki in July 2015, I jumped directly into the world of teaching and have not stopped since.

I have a strong connection to the spirituality behind yoga and therefore teach self reflection, care, love and support as well as encouraging my students to be open to feelings and sensations, both emotional and physical, which may go beyond what we are used to feeling in daily life and which are vital for achieving the mind body spirit connection which we strive for through the practice of yoga. All of these elements give my style of teaching a holistic, rounded feel with a flair of fun and freedom. 

Portrait Nathalie Emch workshop host in crow yoga pose


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